Miami Community Benefits Agreement

Miami Community Benefits Agreement: A Key to Fair Development

Miami is a city that has experienced rapid growth and development over the past few decades. While this growth has brought many benefits, it has also created challenges, such as rising inequality and displacement of long-time residents. To address these challenges, a growing number of community organizations and activists are calling for Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) in development projects around the city.

What is a Community Benefits Agreement?

A Community Benefits Agreement is a legally binding contract between developers and community groups that aims to ensure that local residents benefit from development projects in their area. CBAs can cover a range of issues, including job creation, affordable housing, environmental protections, and community space. The goal of a CBA is to create a framework for developers and communities to work together in a transparent and equitable way, ensuring that the benefits of development are shared widely and fairly.

Why is a Community Benefits Agreement important?

Development projects often have significant impacts on local communities, both positive and negative. When developers fail to engage with these communities, or when the local government does not adequately regulate development, these impacts can become inequitable, leading to displacement, environmental degradation, and economic inequality. A CBA can help to ensure that these impacts are addressed, and that communities have a say in how development proceeds in their area.

The Miami Community Benefits Agreement Coalition

In Miami, a coalition of community groups and organizations has been advocating for CBAs in development projects around the city. The Miami CBA Coalition brings together groups such as the Miami Workers Center, the Miami Climate Alliance, and the Dream Defenders, among others, to advocate for equitable development.

Some of the key issues that the Miami CBA Coalition is advocating for include:

Affordable Housing: Miami is facing an affordable housing crisis, with many low-income residents struggling to find safe and affordable homes. The Miami CBA Coalition is calling for all development projects to include a significant portion of affordable housing units, and for these units to be accessible to low-income residents.

Job Creation: Development projects can create jobs, but these jobs are often low-paying and not accessible to local residents. The Miami CBA Coalition is calling for development projects to create well-paying jobs that prioritize hiring local residents.

Environmental Protections: Development projects can have significant impacts on the environment, particularly on vulnerable communities. The Miami CBA Coalition is calling for development projects to prioritize environmental protections, including measures to mitigate the effects of sea-level rise and other climate impacts.

Community Space: Development can often lead to the gentrification of neighborhoods, erasing local culture and community spaces. The Miami CBA Coalition is calling for development projects to prioritize the creation and preservation of community spaces that reflect the needs and values of local residents.


The Miami Community Benefits Agreement Coalition is leading the charge for equitable development in Miami. By advocating for CBAs in development projects, the coalition is working to ensure that the benefits of development are shared widely and fairly, and that local communities have a say in how development proceeds in their area. If you`re interested in learning more about the Miami CBA Coalition, visit their website or attend one of their events to get involved.